Departmental Lecturer, Islamic Studies
Research Interests:
- The Qur’an as a late antique text
- Arabic asceticism
- The intellectual and literary traditions of pre-Islamic Arabia
- Arabic literature and religious culture (especially sermons and poetry)
- Islamic law
Recent Publications:
(Downloads of some of the following publications are available at https://oxford.academia.edu/NoraKSchmid)
- The Ascetic Qur'an and its Kharijite Readers. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.
Edited volumes:
- Nora Schmidt, Nora K. Schmid, Angelika Neuwirth (eds.). Denkraum Spätantike: Reflexionen von Antiken im Umfeld des Koran. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016.
Articles and book chapters:
- “‘A Scripture to Enlighten Them’: Light Imagery, Exhortation, and Ethical Guidance in the Qur’an,” in The Edinburgh Companion to Qur’anic Literary Studies, ed. Shawkat M. Toorawa. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming.
- “ʿĀʾisha’s Trial: Storytelling and Early Islamic Legal Thought,” forthcoming.
- “Moses in Egypt.” In: Biblical Traditions in the Qur’an, ed. Nicolai Sinai, Marianna Klar, Gabriel S. Reynolds, and Holger Zellentin. Princeton: Princeton University Press, forthcoming.
- “Interrogative Rhetoric and Deliberative Discourse in the Medinan Suras.” In: Unlocking the Medinan Qur’an, ed. Nicolai Sinai, pp. 164–198. Leiden: Brill, 2022.
- “From Ethico-Religious Exhortation to Legal Paraenesis: Functions of Qur’anic Waʿẓ.” Islamic Law and Society 28/4 (2021), pp. 317–351.
- “Louis Cheikho and the Christianization of Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Ascetic Poetry.” Philological Encounters 6/3–4 (2021), pp. 339–373.
- “Oaths in the Qur’an: A Structural Marker Under the Impact of Knowledge Change.” In: Structural Dividers in the Qur’an, ed. Marianna Klar, pp. 143–180. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020.
- “Trajekte spätantiker Askese: Übungswissen in der frühislamischen Mahnpredigt am Beispiel von al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī (21–110 AH/ 642–728).” In: Übungswissen in Religion und Philosophie: Produktion, Weitergabe, Wandel, ed. Almut-Barbara Renger and Alexandra Stellmacher, pp. 183–204. Berlin: Lit, 2018.
- “Der zweifache spätantike Kontext altarabischer Sehersprüche.” In: Denkraum Spätantike: Reflexionen von Antiken im Umfeld des Koran, ed. Nora Schmidt, Nora K. Schmid, and Angelika Neuwirth, pp. 209–233. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016.
- “Lot’s Wife: Late Antique Paradigms of Sense and the Qurʾān.” In: Qurʾānic Studies Today, ed. Angelika Neuwirth and Michael A. Sells, pp. 52–81. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016.
- “Abū l-ʿAtāhiya and the Versification of Disenchantment.” In: The Place to Go: Contexts of Learning in Baghdād, 750–1000 C.E., ed. Jens Scheiner and Damien Janos, pp. 131–166. Princeton: Darwin Press, 2014.
- Esra Gözeler et al. “Corpus Coranicum Projesi: Kur'an'ı Geç Antik Döneme Ait Bir Metin Olarak Okumak.” Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 53/2 (2012): pp. 219–253.
- “Quantitative Text Analysis and its Application to the Qurʾan: Some Preliminary Considerations.” In: The Qurʾān in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʾānic Milieu, ed. Angelika Neuwirth, Nicolai Sinai, and Michael Marx, pp. 441–460. Leiden: Brill, 2010.